Who Is Jesus?
You no doubt have heard the name.
Would you like to know him? It’s actually not difficult. You can talk to him right now with a simple prayer: “Jesus, I want to know you. Please reveal yourself to me.” He might answer that immediately, or over the days and weeks ahead. Watch for him. And whether you are ready to take that step or not, there are others like you that are curious about Jesus. Rooted Church has a gathering called Alpha, where you can explore any and all of your questions and wonderings in a safe and open place. You can click here to find out more.
But let’s back up a minute. After all, who really was this Jesus, and why would anyone want to get to know him? Wasn’t he some guy that lived in the Middle East a couple thousand years ago and got killed? Yes, that is indeed true. However, that’s not the full story, nor the end of the story.
You see, Jesus is not a make-believe character, and certainly not just some random guy who might have said some good things. Jesus claimed to be God in human form. He lived and walked on this earth like you and me. And then after his enemies crucified him, he did something that no human has done – he rose from the dead. The very good news for you and me in all of this is that Jesus’ death on the cross and his resurrection from the dead paid for my sin – and yours. And Jesus is standing ready to give you new life, a life of hope, joy, and love for God, and from God.
Still a bit skeptical? You’re in good company – so were many people who heard Jesus make these claims. And it is certainly possible to respond to this information in a way that many others have, by dismissing such perceived “nonsense” out of hand and moving on to the next thing. But if you’re the kind of person that would like to explore the evidence, rather than just believe someone else’s stories, here are two suggestions: you can begin reading an account of Jesus’ life from one of the people who walked alongside Jesus during his ministry. You can find that in the Bible, in the book of John. If you don’t have a Bible of your own, you can read it online here.
You can also think about joining us at an upcoming Alpha meeting. It may be the most life-changing thing you’ve ever done, but even if it isn't that, it will be a time of friend-making and deep conversations about things that matter. Click on this link to learn when the next Alpha session is starting, and how to find out more.
And one more thing. You may not know much about Jesus yet. But he already knows you. And he would love to get connected.